Couple of weeks back our oldest son all the suddenly messaged me while visiting his friend and asked if I could knit him a Muhku-beanie. It is quite rare nowadays that anything “made by mom” would be approved to the garderobe, so I was truly delighted because of this request. After short googling I had studied what the heck was “Muhku” and I was already heading towards local yarn store. And guess what! As a bonus, our young man wanted to come along for choosing the material and colours!
“Muhku”-beanie is a pattern made by Iines Aaltonen. You do not necessarily need a pattern for making such a simple beanie, if you are experienced knitter, but for beginners I can imagine it provides a lot of help. I like to support craftsman and I bought the pattern even I am somewhat “seasoned” hobbyist. It is awesome that there are people who make instructions so that other people can find the joys of craftsmanship.
I was quite surprised due to the color selection our son made, (White!??? What is this?! White is NOT black! Is this some kind of evil plan?!) but I managed to keep quiet. White Merino-wool and white Mohair it was!
The beanie is knitted with size 7mm knitting sticks and thus very quick to complete. The first beanie was ready already next day and taken into use by its new owner. As usual, I had reserved “enough” yarn (you know how awful it is if you run out of correct dyeing patch 😱) and decided to make myself too a “Muhku”.